In a Single Bound: Her massively augmented leg strength lets her pull off jumps that would make an Olympic athlete weep with envy.I Can Still Fight!: Ayase would literally rather put her life first more than abandoning her friends.Although, she doesn't know Gai is pining after the woman Inori reminds him of. Hopeless Suitor: She knows Gai will probably never look her way because Inori has all his attention.Heterosexual Life-Partners: She's close friends with Tsugumi.Heroic BSoD: Clearly has one when Gai is killed.Handicapped Badass: Even when Ayase is in a wheelchair, she's quite a capable pilot and fighter.Everyone Can See It: It's obvious to Tsugumi and Shu that she likes Gai.While she can fight with her wheelchair a bit, even that is of limited use against a large group. Respecting her is all well and good, but she can't physically do everything that normal people can, like run away when people sexually harass her. This gets deconstructed after Episode 13 onwards. Don't You Dare Pity Me!: Ayase's attitude of being in a wheelchair due to her losing her legs.Dislikes the New Guy: When Shu joins Funeral Parlor, Ayase doesn't go easy on him at first.Disabled Hottie: She may be in a wheelchair, but she is a competent fighter.Disabled Love Interest: Her interest in Gai is obvious in the latter's case, and she even constantly hints on but never follows on it with Shu.Determinator: In Episode 19, she lunges out of her wheelchair, slides down a railing, just for the third Genome.As time goes on, Shu even seemingly replaces Gai as her secret love following his untimely demise. Defrosting Ice Queen: Ayase expresses misgivings towards Shu at first, but she becomes one of his closest allies, especially after he explains his feelings about Inori towards the end of episode 5.Curtains Match the Window: She has matching brown hair and brown eyes.Crush Blush: She blushes whenever she is around Gai.Big Damn Heroes: Interrupts Keido's Adam and Eve Plot in Episode 11 by busting a wall open with her Endlave and Gai in tow.Back-to-Back Badasses: She eventually becomes this with Shu by the time Episode 13 rolls around.Attempted Rape: She's been sexually harassed twice, and the second time was in front of an audience of hundreds.

Action Girl: Despite being wheelchair bound, she's an ace Endlave driver and still capable of some impressive moves.Ace Pilot: She is one of Funeral Parlor's top-ranking pilots.Her Void is a set of sleek, high-tech leg braces, boosting her leg strength and allowing her to 'rollerblade' at extremely high speeds. A wheelchair-bound member of Funeral Parlor who pilots an Endlave mecha.